Monday, December 14, 2009
Almost There
It's all coming to an end (just to start once again in about a month) and I'm not sure how much I've accomplished. At this very moment I'm just happy I'll get some time off to write and do nothing. And well Christmas is just around the corner.
What wouldn't I give for a clone... life would be so much easier.
Monday, December 7, 2009
You Were, You Will
"I'll never understand why Charlie doesn't like you that way," he'd say. Funny thing is that I had a crush on Charlie for the longest time. I used to think that he'd be just like his dad. "You're smart, funny, athletic, witty- you're such a catch. I am in love with you but he doesn't see what I see." This felt nice. This "love." I wanted it- almost needed it.
The same way you ought to take a test and be of a certain age to drive, I think you should also take a test and be a certain person to treat others. Growing up, I learned two important things, respect the older and protect the younger; I was basically trained to care for others. But most people don't grow up to this. Most people grow up to make fun of the kids for being innocent and make fun of the older for being slow.
As I made my way to the Math Lab, a lady (over 60) walking the other direction carried her umbrella open. "It's not raining inside, grandma," someone said. She wasn't hurting anyone. If anything, I think she was just trying to protect herself from us.
What is it about grownups and their need to take advantage of a child's innocence? What is it about teenagers and their need to laugh at the elderly? You were a child too. You'll be old later also.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
As a writer, I make simple things look like a big deal. I mean, you can't never know what story could be behind an empty cup left unattended next to the stove. Was my roommate getting ready to pour a drink when someone called and she had to go? Did she have a guest who changed his/her mind about a refreshment?
There's a story hidden in everything and it is my duty to find it. And if there isn't one- I just find an excuse to make one up.
For tonight, I find pleasure on "Shy Ronnie."
Friday, December 4, 2009
Isn't this another story in this book I keep writing? How I made my way back to success from taking a week off? How I'll be able to recover and smile at the end and get away with things as I usually do?
At this point I don't know. I do regret being away from writing. I regret that. Every day. And yet I do nothing about it. Life sucked me up. I can't live in wonderland while I'm busy in real land.
I begin to care. Grades don't matter as much as people do. At least to me. At least that's how it is now. I know I won't remember what I learned in my Stats class in 30 years, but I will remember who I took that class with.
I'm trying to focus in what is really important. What really matters. Brands don't matter either. We're our own brand.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Life and Me
I've been watching Marley and Me for about 30 minutes now and it is so hard to see people writing all happy and not want to write myself (and look that happy). I vaguely remember when this movie first came out but I do remember vivdly that I wanted to see it. However, the whole idea of a dog being the main thing in the movie didn't thrill my friends enough to come see it with me and I guess I didn't think it was one of those movies I'd be okay with watching alone (yes, I do go to the movies by myself sometimes). Also, I gotta admit that the only reason why I wanted to see this movie was because Jennifer Aniston was in it and I'll forever love Rachel (from FRIENDS)- I know, silly reason to wanna see a movie. Good thing I have HBO and they're playing it now. After I've had one of the best breakfast I've ever had.
I love to mix all sorts of foods when I eat. I told Sarah the other day that I used to put smoked ham in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They were heavenly. Haven't done it a while though. This time around I made me some delicious eggs (which I can actually flip inside the pan so they cook well) and added some leftovers of Indian food. I know it was some weird sweet white rice and chicken with yellow sauce but don't ask me for names because food wise I remain very ignorant. Did I mention that I also had amazing toast and orange juice?
At this point you're probably wondering why I get so excited writing about breakfast. Well, I'm a college student and reality being, my grades are a priority so due to homework and studying, I miss a lot of meals- breakfast being one of them. For the past month, I've been eating a blueberry bagel with cream cheese for breakfast (which may explain why my jeans fit funny nowadays) and my usual hot caramel macchiato. So I guess having something besides a bagel must have really made my taste buds happy.
But that's not the only thing that changed today. I feel I've been consistently irresponsible for the past few weeks (if you're my boss, AGS president, professor or mom, this is all fiction. I'll be sharp at the office on Monday!). I just haven't been on top of things because I've had too much in my hands and my brain eventually shut down on me without no warning. And maybe the fact that I'm in a relationship now kinda gives me a reason to slack off and have some fun for a bit.
But where am I now? In my living room watching Marley and Me. Yes, that was my attempt to make a joke. I got into Auburn University but no longer considering the idea to go there (So long 45 dollars that I paid to apply there!). Applied to Cal State LA and realizing that the idea of me continuing my education is way more important than where I do that. Working on my UC statement; still not sure of what to say.
This makes me happy. The part where I spend my morning drinking coffee and writing. So remind me how I got to the point where I'm too busy all the time to do this? I don't know either. But it is good because I'm living and life is good.
Yes I'm a very optimistic person. And after a conversation I had last night, I realized that I was raised to be optimistic after growing up in a country like Colombia where hope is perhaps the most real thing you have to hold on to.
Growing up has been an adventure. When I was little I used to dream of seeing my name in books, as the author. It's funny how some things never change. Not even this Friday morning, when all I wanna do is write.
Well, I better go back to reality, finish the movie and get some homework done. After all, if I ever wanna graduate, I better keep that GPA up.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Help Me
I have not done much writing this semester and I'm not happy about it. I also don't want this post to be about whining of things I haven't done. I just really wanna write for you, those who read. So I want to hear what you like to read and I'll write it.
Looking forward to your feedback :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Became My Hero
This semester has not been what I expected. Who would have thought that doing what you love could cause so much stress? Maybe I'm not doing what I love? No, it's not that. I hope (fingers crossed).
When I was little, I happened to read Leonardo da Vinci's biography and the guy kinda became my hero. He was a polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. It was the first time that I knew of someone being able to do so many things in only one lifetime. I wanted to be just like him. I still do.
This is what created the problem= me wanting to do more than I can do. Or maybe I can? At the end of the day, I don't know. I'm tired and have been since I can remember. What I do know though, is that if I can make it through this semester successfully (including good grades and keeping my GPA at or above 3.9), I know I'll be able to make it through anything.
But for right now, we're up by 2.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
About To
However, I'm happy. Really happy.
So far I've only applied to Auburn University (which has now become my last choice) and they accepted me. It feels weird. I've been dreaming about going to college (like an actual university) for as long as I can remember, and now it's becoming a reality. It's nice to know that I have a future- that I can keep going.
Next stops= UCLA, Berkeley, UC San Diego, University of Southern California, LMU and UNC.
The trip is about to begin.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My (Hi)story.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Couple Of Maybes

Let me crash and burn.
I don't know if I can do good no more.
Tell me I'm done and that my chances are none.
Save me from my own insecurities and simply let me go.
Cover my eyes with your ways and do me wrong.
Don't you save me now if you will be the one to do me worst.
Walk away while I pick up the pieces from the floor.
Walk now while my pain is numb.
Walk know when I don't know love.
I was not meant to win so I should be able to deal.
I'll forget you or so I say.
You'd be nothing but a frame- in a line, in my hands.
We weren't meant to win.
Just walk away.
As I was eating dinner tonight (a corn dog and chips and salsa), it hit me that I needed to write something. Life has been pulling me away from you- and that is supposed to be a good thing. But then again I'd like to think that you missed me and were waiting to hear from me.
Ever since I've been living on my own, I have been putting my tough face on. You know, the one that says to the world that I can take anything. But always knowing deep inside that most of the time this doesn't apply; I'm human- I get hurt, angry, happy, excited, etc.
My problem is that I wanna help everybody. All by my little self. I wanna take care of people and make sure everyone is fine. I wanna make people happy. That is after all why I write. I wanna take people's mind into this world I have the power to create. But I always run into this wall that reminds me that I CAN'T help everybody.
So how do I know when I'm supposed to stop? How do I say to myself, "this a lost cause, let it go." Do I even wanna do that? I don't know. But I do know that I don't like waking up one day wanting to put everything aside, and wanting to be five, and sleeping under my mother's arms.
Maybe I need to write more. Maybe I need to actually create those stories and hope that they would eventually reach someone who needs them- and they will actually help them.
I wanna start taking pictures again. I wanna show people how I see the world because I see the world being well. I see the world changing and I feel it can only get better from here. Hold me accountable for this. Ask me for pictures if you don't see them soon. I need your help to remember.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I looked around and couldn't make eye contact- everyone was looking down. I was looking up, I was smiling. I was happy. Happy to feel the rain.
I sat on a bench. A bench that it's usually taken, but not today because it was wet. I sat there. I smile and promised myself some things. People that passed by seemed confused because of the lonely girl sitting under the rain.
But somehow I think that lonely girl was happier than anyone that walked by her. Point made.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Morning After
During one of the greatest moments in my life, I thought a lot about the future, about what was gonna happen next. I made plans, daydreamed about things, envisioned my upcoming days. But after that great moment, nothing else happened. Well, I moved to L.A. because there was nothing else left for me from that moment.
Yesterday was such an amazing day. From beginning to end. Even the not so good parts of yesterday don't even look so horrible anymore. But today, the story is way different. From beginning to end.
I'm glad that yesterday, I enjoyed my moments, and not even once gave tomorrow (today) a second thought. It didn't matter. The only thing that matter is what I had right in front of me.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Mornings

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Get Closer or Hide

Monday, October 5, 2009
About Time I'd Show Up

- UC application is now available online = I'm freaking out
- My Auburn application has been completed = I will finally be officially a Tiger. Even if I go to Berkeley.
- Got yet another scholarship = thanks for the love, donors.
- Some of my peers told me this weekend that they enjoy volunteering more this semester than they ever did during the Spring = We are doing an awesome job.
- I will finally get internet at home this week = I will once again be writing here on a daily basis. Yay!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'll Never Stop Trying

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Moments Like This One

Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm A Murderer

Saturday, September 19, 2009
For A Good Cause

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Little People Count Too

Monday, September 14, 2009
Small Things

But the thing is, even though when my play time (parties, BBQs, Time to Relax, etc) is limited, that doesn't mean that I don't have time to:
- smile to the cashier at the store.
- greet when I walk into a room.
- hold the door open for the person that is coming behind me.
- offer my assistance to those who claim that they need help with their schoolwork.
- make small chat on a line (cafeteria, bookstore, etc).
- give way to the car that's trying to get on my lane.
- And more. . .
I know we're all busy but I can assure you, that the things above take less than a minute and you can make A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN A PERSON'S LIFE.
Maybe the cashier at the store is losing faith on people because every customer he/she had to take care of that morning were rude, and here you come with a smile- perhaps the cashier will get some joy out of your kindness. Or maybe the guy in front of you has been waiting in line for a while and really needs to talk about something that happened to him earlier.These things are really small things but they can always lead to bigger things. See that stranger a few feet away from you? He/she can be your friend with just a smile or a hi. Maybe he/she needs some assurance from you or maybe you will get that from him/her. Or maybe it will just be a nice conversation- but it's only in your hands to make it happen.
The small things you do CAN provide happiness and they cost you nothing- if anything, you'll benefit too. So, will you make time to make a difference today?Photo taken from
Friday, September 11, 2009
Let's Try Something
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Writer

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Scusi, Parla Italiano?

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Luck Story

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
This I Believe

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So Damn Vulnerable

When I opened the door, she stood there in tears. Before I could say a word, she reached for my torso and the next thing I felt was the wetness of her tears on my shoulder. I've never been really good at this kind of situations but I just stood there and held her.
When she let go, her makeup was just a blur in her face, and I was sure part of it was now on my shirt; but that wasn't a concern at the moment. She didn't look good. I felt sorry for her- I looked at her and I wanted to protect her like she were my little sister but whatever I needed to do, I was too late for it.
"Would you have a beer with me?" she said in the middle of a sob. I nodded and followed her to the kitchen.
When we were finally sitting, I sipped my beer quietly, hoping I'd know what to do when my time to do something would come. But what could have hurt so much for her to be like this? A break up? Someone close died? But that didn't make sense. She wouldn't come to me for that. We were never really that close. Not as much as we were right there.
"I was raped," she said. I think I almost felt the beer making its way back from my stomach. She was sitting there, in front of me. So damn vulnerable.
It's so hard to write this without feeling guilty in a way. I try so hard to tell my friends to do good, to take care of themselves, to be careful, to choose wisely and when something like this happens, I wonder if I didn't try hard enough.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Today is my first day back to school and it has been CRAZY. Been up since 6am, and it's been 11 hours since and I can tell you I'm not even close to the middle of this day.
I'm not sure what I was thinking when I said I'd try to post daily. . . Maybe I will eventually but at this point I'm just going crazy.
I'll have more free time tomorrow and I promise I'll deliver a more decent entry, and even make up for the ones I missed. So please check back tomorrow for more!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dear Thief

Friday, August 28, 2009
Their Celebration

Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's Not Rocket Science

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sick, Sick, Sick

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Give Me A Ride, I'll Give You A Date

Monday, August 24, 2009
I Put The A In Math- Wait, That Sounds Lame

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Head To The Bench
A Few Changes
- Monday - School
- Tuesday - (Social) Life
- Wednesday - Writing
- Thursday - Film
- Friday - Work Life
- Saturday - Misc.
- Sunday - Current Events
This is pretty much tentative and as long as I don't have an awful load of school work to do that day, I'll try to stick to this schedule.
So today, Sunday, we start with current events.
I keep writing about how uninterested people are about what happens with their surroundings so this section is needed. Every week, as long as time permits, I'll pick an article from the news and discuss it. Obviously I'll be looking forward to your opinion as well- And don't worry, it won't always be about politics (pinky promise).
So let's get things started!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Igniting Spark

Since the night it came out, I made plans to go watch it. On a Monday night. But then it became a Tuesday night. And a Wednesday. And a Thursday. And I'm not sure how this movie deal got postponed so much but I'll blame the NFL preseason for now.
"What are you doing tonight, kiddo?"
Friday, August 21, 2009
I Quit

My shift was supposed to start at 2pm and end around 10pm. It was another sunny Saturday in L.A. "Here's what you need to do, if you have a question, find me," Bob, one of the theater managers, said as he handed me a schedule. I was officially owned by the company and therefore had to take orders.Serve people, that's usually the basics of customer service. Smile even if you don't mean it; you can't sit because somehow that would offend a guest. If you're hungry, it doesn't matter- you have a scheduled break and that's when you get to eat.
The guest I'm there to serve is the one that cares less. He doesn't make eye contact. He doesn't acknowledge you- and maybe pity is what causes this. He doesn't care to know that I am more than a job and that is just a way to get me through college. He doesn't know that I read on my spare time- for fun (imagine that!). That I play sports or that I like to have a beer to accompany the Sunday game.
"Yale," I kept repeating to myself.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Setting Goals