Monday, September 14, 2009

Small Things

I always find a way to whine about not having time in whatever I do. If I'm having a conversation, there's always an "I never have time to sleep" line. If I'm writing, there's usually a "this has been a hectic week" comment; that I positioned strategically just so it's not too obvious that I'm whining (or maybe I have the illusion that it isn't. Shame on me).

But the thing is, even though when my play time (parties, BBQs, Time to Relax, etc) is limited, that doesn't mean that I don't have time to:

  • smile to the cashier at the store.

  • greet when I walk into a room.

  • hold the door open for the person that is coming behind me.

  • offer my assistance to those who claim that they need help with their schoolwork.

  • make small chat on a line (cafeteria, bookstore, etc).

  • give way to the car that's trying to get on my lane.

  • And more. . .

I know we're all busy but I can assure you, that the things above take less than a minute and you can make A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN A PERSON'S LIFE.

Maybe the cashier at the store is losing faith on people because every customer he/she had to take care of that morning were rude, and here you come with a smile- perhaps the cashier will get some joy out of your kindness. Or maybe the guy in front of you has been waiting in line for a while and really needs to talk about something that happened to him earlier.

These things are really small things but they can always lead to bigger things. See that stranger a few feet away from you? He/she can be your friend with just a smile or a hi. Maybe he/she needs some assurance from you or maybe you will get that from him/her. Or maybe it will just be a nice conversation- but it's only in your hands to make it happen.

The small things you do CAN provide happiness and they cost you nothing- if anything, you'll benefit too. So, will you make time to make a difference today?

Photo taken from


  1. I usually do my best to help others out with small things. I love it when people do it in return :)

  2. you know what? thank you for the reminder.

  3. Thank you for throwing this out there because you really never know how much a little smile might mean to someone who has had a really bad day!

    "If you see somebody without a smile, give 'em yours." -Dolly Parton (Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is a wonderful movie no matter what anybody says!)

  4. Thank you for the reminder. Small thing does make a big difference.

  5. i feel the exact same way that you do. i work in the customer service industry and i know what it feels like to think that no one cares about you. so i knowing this always try to make a persons day, but smiling , be happy and having a laugh with the waitress or whoever to try and make there day the best time they can. it makes all the difference in the world... i should know :)

  6. Lizzi: It's always nice when people do that for us too. It makes my day when people are nice.

    Kay & Wan: You're welcome :)

    Steph: Nice quote! I never thought about it that way but it makes a lot of sense!

    Kendra: Yep, same here. I wonder if that makes a difference- knowing how it feels.


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