I must have been 4 or 5 when The Guerrilla, a rebel group in Colombia, pulled us over. They were known to do this- stop people on the road, kill them, take their money and burn their cars. Somehow, we're all still alive.
Today somebody told me that I take life too seriously and therefore I stress myself and over think things way more than I should. Perhaps I do.
But if I gotta be serious so no one goes through what I've been through- then I'll be serious. If I gotta stress myself in an attempt to change the world- I'll stress as much as I can (even if my voice is never heard). If I gotta over think things to make sure I can help you (whoever you are) with whatever you need help with- then I'll over think things until I can think no more.
This has got to be the most difficult thing I've ever written in my life. I just got back from volunteering at the "Alive & Running 5k" which was an event to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention. At this event I was told I take life too seriously.
There was a banner at this event with pictures of people that had committed suicide (posted above- sorry I couldn't turned it around but it was taken with my cellphone). I had a chance to see this banner and look at the pictures. Most of them were smiling. They all seemed so normal and happy and I couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly gone wrong. Maybe someone didn't take their lives too seriously.
A little boy and his mom stood by my side at some point. "Which one is it mommy?" the boy asked. She pointed at the picture of one of the guys that were smiling. "That's uncle Jeff, honey."
As I stood there I promised myself to never stop trying to change the world. Even when people think it's lame or even when they tell me that what I do won't change anything. And maybe it won't, but it's a start. I promised them. I'll never stop trying. Whatever it takes. Even if it means taking life too seriously.
Sweetie, that was incredibly moving...you def have a way with words! Keep writing...and never, ever let anyone tell you how you're supposed to FEEL.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment at my place!
Ashley, this is by far and away the most insightful thing I've read in a while. Your story of Columbia is fascinating (I hope you write about your life there more) and your volunteer work is (truly!) inspiring.
ReplyDeleteIn my humble opinion, this is your best post yet.
life can be very serious. we live in unsettling times, and with it comes an obligation it seems to take life as serious as is needed to survive and provide for ourselves and todays world.
ReplyDeletebut there are moments in life, sweet, deliriously happy moments in between the serious ones, that arent so serious and arent ment to be serious.... some parts of life are just ment to be enjoyed, savored and taken in..... like a fine red wine. (which I endulge in quite frequently) you have to savor these things and take them as they come. or what are all these serious things worth without happiness?
I feel too many people are way to serious about life these days, but you have to be in order to keep up.... but you are allowed a break every now and then.... dont forget that and keep smiling!!!
Hello there stranger, crazy stuff, the whole thing about being taken out forcefully, life should be taken serious, but... still, somethings are out of our control, I can't really express myself the way you do, so i'm going to let this quote do it for me :)
ReplyDelete"...grant me the serenity to
Accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And the Wisdom to know the difference..."
Reinhold Neiburh – 1926
but by no means do I suggest to stop trying to make the world a better place, talk to you later, player! lol
Kathryn, thanks for reading! That wasn't easy to write but it felt nice to finally share it.
ReplyDeleteKelly, thank you! I'll try to keep it up to that level. Waiting to get internet at home so I can write more often...
Kendra, I know- Actually posted some pictures on my last post that show how silly I can be sometimes...
Cris, thank you for the quote. I know what you meant. I just wanted you to know where I was coming from.