If you happened to read my previous entry, "I Quit," you read words written by a person not happy with the job she used to do- that person being me. As I get ready for the beginning of another semester in college (August 31st), I'm also trying to figure out what I'm gonna do work wise for such semester. Funny enough I'm no longer a Freshman, and this Fall will welcome me as a Sophomore.
I've already managed to get a job with the school at the Outreach Center doing the very prestigious task of clerical work (ha!), which I'll work from Tuesday to Friday. The thing is that I'm also a few days away from getting another job. This other job won't offer me much hours or lots of money, but it will be a fun job to do. Basically, I will have to go to a math class twice a week, and after the class, I will spend an hour or two with students that need extra help with math.
It may be a little stretch for me if I get this job, but I really want to do it. From my own experience, a LOT of people have trouble with math and sometimes that is the reason why they're behind in their education- so if I can help them get through it, then I'll take the stretch, even if it means less hours of sleep for me (and I will be getting paid for it too so it's not like it's such a stretch. . .).
The interview will happen on Wednesday, a day after I arrive to L.A. And right after the interview, I'll be tested on my math skills. If hired, I'll have my training on Thursday. So here I am, brushing up on my math skills.
I've always been good at math. I used to want to be an Aerospace Engineer when I graduated from High School but thanks to the three-year break I had to take to work, I ended up switching my career path. I like math because it's so mechanical. It either works or it doesn't. There isn't a gray area, you have it right or you don't. But most of my classmates (and other students) don't see the beauty in that. They just think math is a bunch of complex numbers- and it may be sometimes, but for the most part, it isn't. I am looking forward to this interview and I really want this job because I'll be able to make a difference (hopefully) in a student's education. So I'm preparing as best as I can to get this job.
How does a writer end up liking math so much, I don't know.
Wish me luck!
those moments when people get it...when the light bulb goes off...are intoxicating. i work with kids and i love that moment. i hope you get your job. it makes each day a joy of anticipation.
ReplyDeletehope school goes well this year and thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts and memories...its a scary moment when we are faced with our own mortality at the hands of someone that cares little...except for what he cares to take...
safe travels...see you around blog world.
Good luck in your new career!!, Ty for your comments on my blog. I browsed through your blog a little, I know you will succeed in whatever you DO!!
ReplyDeleteall the best.:}
Brian, that's exactly why I want this job so badly. Fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteInky, thanks for stopping by and the comment. And for having so much confidence in me- I'm trying hard, hopefully it will all pay off :) Thanks again!
Ick math + me = epic fail.
ReplyDeleteI dont' know why, but I just don't comprehend it as well as I do everything else. It's the only regular course I have, everything else is advanced honors. I'm glad you understand math :p
Ah math…Actually that’s funny coz I just finished a course on complex numbers. LOL I’ll never look at the letter ‘i’ in the same way again. Hope Uni is fun! And that your math tutoring job works out.
ReplyDeleteLizzi, I'm sorry about math. Sometimes I think I just get lucky with it, if that makes sense. If you ever need help with a problem or something let me know, I'll do my best to help.
ReplyDeleteBlaise, thanks but if you read my last entry it didn't work out. You good at math then?
Apparently I am. Hahaha yeah I like it (at least when I understand it I do). Yeah I'm sorry to hear about you not getting the tutor job... Ah well there will be other opportunities that will arise I'm sure of it.