Since the night it came out, I made plans to go watch it. On a Monday night. But then it became a Tuesday night. And a Wednesday. And a Thursday. And I'm not sure how this movie deal got postponed so much but I'll blame the NFL preseason for now.
Last night, a Friday night, I gave my plans a second chance and once again mentioned to a friend that I wanted to see that movie. But as time went by, I was already in the verge of canceling on myself (which doesn't sound too good now that I write about it) until my uncle came over.
"What are you doing tonight, kiddo?"
"I was thinking of watching a movie, why?"
"What movie?"
"Julie and Julia"
He nodded. I'm not sure why or how but I asked him if he wanted to come along. And surprisingly enough, he said he did. I say surprisingly because the title "Julie and Julia" should be a big hint that this ain't no action movie like "Die Hard" or "Lethal Weapon" or "Predator" or well, you get the idea. But to be honest, I'm glad I'd had company for the movie- and knowing my uncle, a free movie ticket and free snacks also.
For some reason, out of the many times I watched the previews for this movie, I thought that Julie was trying to write a book (no worries, I won't spoil the movie for you if haven't seen it), but she was actually writing a blog (I guess this could be a spoiler if you did think she was writing a book as I did- in that case, oops!). So this changed my thoughts about the movie- now it had gotten personal.
As written above, I won't spoil the movie so all I can say now it's what happened with me while watching the movie. First, it made me realize how much I enjoy writing here and how much I look forward to hear back from you, the reader(s). Second, how much I love writing in general, and how I know that the day I get to see "Written by Ashley Kay"somewhere, would be a pretty damn good day. Third, it made me think about my friend T. and how lucky I was to have her (not that I didn't know that I already). Somehow it made me wanna start everyday as if I really wanted to be awake- regardless of the time.
But isn't that what stories are all about anyway? Sometimes they inspire us, sometimes they anger us, the make us cry, or laugh, or think- but whatever feeling they ignite in you, they're always there to give you some awareness.
It made me realize why I write- Because I wanna be that igniting spark. Don't we all?
Haha, in the previews it already mentioned she was writing a blog, so no spoilers there!
ReplyDeleteHi! Just want to say thanks for visiting my choir blog!
ReplyDeleteWhat about ‘Norbert’? The so called comedy that had no purpose… It was intended to make us laugh and I emphasize the ‘intended’ because it was by far the worst film in the history of ever! A sloth with a camera glued to its head would make for a better action film than this a comedy. Oh and your uncle sounds cool! Mine is lame and treats me like a four year-old… Not to mention that every Christmas I get an XXL shirt from him! I’m a medium how do they stuff that up! Haha.
ReplyDeleteYou would be surprised at the number of students at my school who are content with achieving nothing in there academic life which I can only assume is reflected in their everyday life! Lets just hope something ‘ignites’ in their heads and that they actually achieve something in their lives. Me personally, I aspire to become a Fighter Pilot! Zoom! Hahaha :)
ReplyDeleteLIZZI: Why on earth did I think she was writing a book then? Maybe because in the previews I watched showed the part where she said "I could write a book" and then assumed things after? Have you seen this movie?
ReplyDeleteMISSABLE: No, thank you for writing! It's always nice to run into something good to read.
BLAISE: I've never heard of "Norbert," would you give me a link or something? And this story did ignite something- laughter and maybe anger because it wasn't good. It doesn't always have to be inspiring.
And about the kids of your school, I know- same in mine. Which is why I write, to change that. Although by myself it would be impossible. Perhaps I should start an army... and I may need a figther pilot so keep in touch!
(P.S. Fighter Pilot sounds like a pretty sweet career, how did you end up wanting to do that?)
Hmmm, I don't really know, I’ve just always wanted to be a fighter pilot, maybe its because when I was young my dad took me onto an aircraft carrier...Hahaha but really I don't know I just know that its what I want to do. Oh and here is that link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmSZJ17ppEQ (I’d say enjoy but… well you won’t) Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteWas anyone else sort of over Julie's hero worshipping by the end of the movie? Don't get me wrong I liked the film, but I just thought her whole obsession with Julia got to be over the top at times. Like the butter scene at the end, you know?
Blaise, you meant Norbit!!! That's why I had no idea what you were talking about. I think the whole point of that movie was that Eddie Murphy is funny. NOT!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds like a good reason to me. I wanted to write when I read a book and it made me happy and I wanted to do that for someone else...
Kelly, to be honest there wasn't many people there and some of the people that were there left like twenty minutes before the end of the movie- I know what you mean, I actually thought she was gonna drop all of her projects when she found out what Julia said about her blog, but surprise surprise, she didn't.
As a blogger I can tell you that throughout the day I look forward to the moment that I can come here and post something, so I sorta understand why Julie may have been portrayed that way. If she was really unhappy with her life, that cooking/blog project must have been a life-saving one for her.
And your right, it did get a little over the top- specially in the birthday party. But I guess we're a little obsessed about something, right?