I could eat a steak with fish and eggs- just to please that love for variety. I've also realized lately that I read more often if I'm reading several books at the time. Maybe it's not wise to spread my attention but somehow it seems to work better that way.
It works the same way with my life. I'm a Political Science major, hoping to go to Law School afterwards, yet I wanna be a published writer. But I'm also learning Italian, and want go learn Russian and German once I'm fluent enough in Italian.
By now you may think that I have too much free time in my hands- and maybe I do, but who's to say that I can only do one thing with my life? Has someone said that to you?
We own our lives and we choose what we do with them, so why not do it all? You really wanna wake up at 60 knowing that all you ever did was watch TV?
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