This time, my ride home from LAX is just about to become a night out for me. I'm not sure why we live in a society where people (not everyone, I know) don't want to do a favor just for the pleasure of helping out someone you care about. I'd even do a favor for a stranger if I'm not extremely busy!
So I'm always cool with offering gas money, but this time that just won't suffice. JC is a guy I used to work with. For whatever reason, he likes me. So he'll pick me up from the airport and in return he'd get an awesome dinner and movie night with me.
Before you go on with the judgement that I'm using him in some sort of way, I've told him before that we're good as friends and the last thing I want right now is a relationship- specially since I could be moving away in less than a year (if Berkeley takes me, cross your fingers!).
So this will be part of my (social) life tonight. Mexican food and G.I. Joe. Sounds like a pretty decent night, right? I just hope I'm not too tired from the flight.
Alright, time go. Now road trip to Atlanta and then flying to Los Angeles. Madness, here I come!
Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers friends with cars that know their way to the airport...
ReplyDeleteWow. That seems fun. Personally I hate driving, so I'll probably end up bumming off my friends :P
ReplyDeleteHey I've been to Atlanta! The coke factory is the BESTEST! Don't ask me why though coz its kinda embarrassing... Haha :)
ReplyDeleteLaura, BY ALL MEANS! You know how when you meet someone you ask their name and then what they do for a living? Okay, I ask if the have a car and know how to get to LAX instead. Ok, not really, that's just how it would be in a perfect world. Glad to know I'm not alone!
ReplyDeleteLizzi, you really wouldn't help out a friend who needs it? I'm sure you would. Even if you don't like it. Maybe your friend will treat you to dinner and a movie like I did to my ride.
You have? Did you like it? UH, SORRY BUT NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME. I really wanna know. Please?
Hahaha I was there representing Australia in a World Lego competition last year… Yeah lame I know but hey it got me to America so I’m happy with that. Yeah I did like it! We had a couple of days in L.A. too which was fun and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteWorld Lego? Nice. What exactly did you do? Build a Coke? I like the Coke Factory, and it's in a nice part of town too.
ReplyDeleteIts complicated but in short we built a robot that had to complete tasks on its own in a set period of time.
ReplyDeleteI wanna do that!