Ever been thirsty and yearning for water, and when you're finally drinking some water, you feel like you've been born again? Okay maybe not to that extreme but you get the idea- that's exactly how I feel right now. I finally have internet again.
Am I really that technology needy?
I carry a cellphone around and if I'm not in class, I'm probably using a computer or playing video games. I guess I somehow just answered my own question.
But if I didn't have my cellphone, I couldn't keep in touch with my family (I live VERY far from home) or text Taylor, or talk to my friends, or check my email (meaning AGS-related stuff, or even your comments!). And if I didn't have a computer. . . well I suppose I could write on paper but it's not nearly as fun or fast as doing it on a computer. And don't even get me started on video games, that is seriously the only way I relieve stress!
Some people fear technology because they think some individuals stick to their toys and alienate from the world. I don't do that. I use technology to be closer to the people far from me. Even with you, dear reader, believe it or not, I wanna be closer to you. But I wouldn't change human interaction for the world. You could never compare touching a machine with the feeling of touching some skin.
Where has technology taken you?
photo taken from http://www.unescap.org/unis/press/2007/aug/space.jpg
i never kept in touch with people before email and internet. seriously. my first few years of college i was totally mia.
it has given me the ability to find and relate to people all over the world, make new friends I otherwise would never have. it brings people I think more together then the long one. but I think a person needs to limit the time they spend in "outer" space as to not ignore the people right in front of you
ReplyDeleteI like the internet, and technology in general. The internet lets me speak to an amazing group of diverse people. I like diversity.
ReplyDeleteKelly, I am very thankful for internet- can't help it either.
ReplyDeleteKendra, I agree 100%
Lizzi, so true. You couldn't find in one place the people you could find here.