It is impossible to not get personal with this post so I won't even try.
Today is my first day back to school and it has been CRAZY. Been up since 6am, and it's been 11 hours since and I can tell you I'm not even close to the middle of this day.
I'm not sure what I was thinking when I said I'd try to post daily. . . Maybe I will eventually but at this point I'm just going crazy.
I'll have more free time tomorrow and I promise I'll deliver a more decent entry, and even make up for the ones I missed. So please check back tomorrow for more!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dear Thief

I woke up this morning very tired. I spent most of my day yesterday in class and volunteering- and most of my night studying for a test. I still have to get up thanks to the fact that I have to go work; you see, if I don't work, I don't make money and therefore I don't eat.
I opened the front door and it seemed like a nice day. So nice it made me forget a little bit about my back pain or how much I desired to still be in bed. I walked up to my car and saw the broken glass next to my right passenger door. I looked around for a second looking for you, but you didn't have the decency to wait. You were in a rush, I understand.
My right passenger window was no longer there. I know because I tried to touch it but my hand went past the frame. My heart was beating too fast so I didn't want to sleep anymore- I wanted to wake up from the nightmare. I looked inside the car and the only thing you took was a few Cd's I left laying around. You even left my graduation pictures intact. You saw my face and didn't feel sorry for the damage you were doing. Oh, you were in a hurry, that's right.
A few months back someone broke into my car. It made me sick. I couldn't understand how someone could deliberately do that to someone else. And for some Cd's. I said it over and over again- I wish this person would have knocked at my door, I would have given him the Cd's without a doubt. I would have.
I'm going on a road trip this Tuesday to visit my friend T. To Northern California. For a better idea, like an hour or so from San Francisco. So I figured it was time to organize my music so I'd have a good mix for the seven (or eight) hour drive. I went through my Cd's and there were seven missing. It reminded me that someone bothered to break my window for them.
While going through the Cd's, I realized that they were all in the wrong cases- and I actually found the ones I though the Thief had taken. He took other ones. The ones I won't miss. Among the ones I thought he had taken, there was a CD I put together myself. It was the first mix I ever made.
When I saw this CD again, it made me really happy. I made that CD when I was 14, I couldn't stand the thought that someone else could have have that, so it was a relief to have it in my hands again.
It makes no sense to me. I work hard to have what I have, you work hard to steal what I have.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Their Celebration

It seems like my first day at my new job will be this coming Tuesday so in the meantime, let me tell you about "free work."
Today was the welcome day for the new students at my school. As a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma, I get to volunteer in all sorts of events, and this one was one of them. I had to be there at 7.15am, 'til 2pm. Not an easy thing to do if you're not getting paid for it- unless you truly do it because you care. I got to meet some of these kids. Some I liked and some not so much (don't get me wrong but those three girls that would say "oh my freaking god" every two minutes weren't fun).
I spent the whole day under the sun and my red face is not too happy with me right now- it burns a little. But I didn't feel too sick to do the work. We set up tables, chairs, breakfast items, gift items. Guided freshmen around the campus and talked to the ones who needed some conversation. It's funny, they all had that this-is-the-beginning-of-the-rest-of-my-life look in their faces.
That was the reason why I didn't complain about the heat. Or standing up. Or running around trying to gather people. Even though I was a little part of it, I was still part of their celebration- the one that marked the beginning of the rest of their lives.
P.S. Thank you all for your concern, I'm indeed feeling better!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's Not Rocket Science

I was able to enroll in that Italian class I want to take so badly. And I'm hoping I don't change my mind later because the classes I have for next semester can't be dropped. I either take them or I take them. And college applications to transfer are coming up soon.
Tomorrow I'll volunteer from very early 'til a little after noon. And then get the textbooks I didn't buy online. Everything seems to be sailing fine.
This morning, I was watching on HBO the movie Rocket Science (2007). This film brings us the story about a boy who stutters but decides to join his high school debate team (yes, Lizzi, it made me think about you- have you seen it?). He really joins because of this girl that he's attracted to who is a great debater in the team.
As I have a no-spoilers policy, I'll only discuss something from the movie that can't be missed. The boy at some point says to one of his friends, "one day you'll find love and everything will be different." And this line certainly struck one of the weakest nerves inside of me.
I've been there (in love), but I've also been a non-believer. It's pure logic, when we share with someone we love, we enjoy it more. When we do something we love, we wish we didn't have to stop. When we. . . well, you get the idea.
This is one of those things that it's so damn obvious, that we choose to ignore it at times. When one of my friends asked me why I work for free (volunteer) when I could be hanging out with friends, I told him that even though I loved my friends, I get a nice hint of happiness in me when I'm helping others (and either way I always make time for my friends).
It's not rocket science, when we do something we love, we just simply do it better. Are you doing what you love?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sick, Sick, Sick

I can now say so long wanted job because I couldn't make my interview today. I am sick. As a matter of fact, I'm very sick (so feel special that I still made the effort to post something. . .Or I should feel special that you're reading. Never mind!) but that wasn't the reason why I couldn't go. When on my way to the interview, I received a call from school saying that they needed me to take care of some stuff immediately if I wanted to complete the process to work at the Outreach center. So I figured it was better to make sure I'd be hired there okay than risk it and maybe not get hired as a Supplemental Instructor or at the Outreach center. Yes, it sucks but I'll get over it. I hope.
So it's Wednesday and it's my time to talk about writing. And I'm gonna tell you how much writing I've done, ZERO. None whatsoever! But bear with me, I got home around 11pm and I've been running errands since I woke up- and I'm sick. However, now that I'm home I can do more writing than before. And I also have five days before school starts. So I'm setting up a 3-page daily goal.
Hopefully I'll feel better later so I can accomplish this goal.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Give Me A Ride, I'll Give You A Date

This time, my ride home from LAX is just about to become a night out for me. I'm not sure why we live in a society where people (not everyone, I know) don't want to do a favor just for the pleasure of helping out someone you care about. I'd even do a favor for a stranger if I'm not extremely busy!
So I'm always cool with offering gas money, but this time that just won't suffice. JC is a guy I used to work with. For whatever reason, he likes me. So he'll pick me up from the airport and in return he'd get an awesome dinner and movie night with me.
Before you go on with the judgement that I'm using him in some sort of way, I've told him before that we're good as friends and the last thing I want right now is a relationship- specially since I could be moving away in less than a year (if Berkeley takes me, cross your fingers!).
So this will be part of my (social) life tonight. Mexican food and G.I. Joe. Sounds like a pretty decent night, right? I just hope I'm not too tired from the flight.
Alright, time go. Now road trip to Atlanta and then flying to Los Angeles. Madness, here I come!
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Put The A In Math- Wait, That Sounds Lame

If you happened to read my previous entry, "I Quit," you read words written by a person not happy with the job she used to do- that person being me. As I get ready for the beginning of another semester in college (August 31st), I'm also trying to figure out what I'm gonna do work wise for such semester. Funny enough I'm no longer a Freshman, and this Fall will welcome me as a Sophomore.
I've already managed to get a job with the school at the Outreach Center doing the very prestigious task of clerical work (ha!), which I'll work from Tuesday to Friday. The thing is that I'm also a few days away from getting another job. This other job won't offer me much hours or lots of money, but it will be a fun job to do. Basically, I will have to go to a math class twice a week, and after the class, I will spend an hour or two with students that need extra help with math.
It may be a little stretch for me if I get this job, but I really want to do it. From my own experience, a LOT of people have trouble with math and sometimes that is the reason why they're behind in their education- so if I can help them get through it, then I'll take the stretch, even if it means less hours of sleep for me (and I will be getting paid for it too so it's not like it's such a stretch. . .).
The interview will happen on Wednesday, a day after I arrive to L.A. And right after the interview, I'll be tested on my math skills. If hired, I'll have my training on Thursday. So here I am, brushing up on my math skills.
I've always been good at math. I used to want to be an Aerospace Engineer when I graduated from High School but thanks to the three-year break I had to take to work, I ended up switching my career path. I like math because it's so mechanical. It either works or it doesn't. There isn't a gray area, you have it right or you don't. But most of my classmates (and other students) don't see the beauty in that. They just think math is a bunch of complex numbers- and it may be sometimes, but for the most part, it isn't. I am looking forward to this interview and I really want this job because I'll be able to make a difference (hopefully) in a student's education. So I'm preparing as best as I can to get this job.
How does a writer end up liking math so much, I don't know.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Head To The Bench
During preseason training, summer time, we had practice twice a day. The first one from 7am to 9am (more like 11 but I'll stick to the "official" time). And during the afternoon from 5pm to 8pm (also the "official" time). After the first month, however, basketball was taking a toll on me. My knees were not designed for jumping (other than the usual trampoline routine anyway) and soon enough they began to give up on me. I didn't stop there though, I thought I still had it in me, that I could push myself a bit further if I really wanted this thing to work.
But then it came down to the point that my knees would randomly lock up on me every now and then during practice, making it impossible to even perform the simple task of walking. One day while having a lock up episode during practice, I directed myself to the bench- very slowly. I didn't ask permission to leave the court. Partly because I knew at this point I didn't need permission (my coach was well aware of my condition) and also because I just didn't wanna look at my coach and to find a look of disappointment in his face. After a few minutes sitting on the bench, staring at my feet, coach sat to my side, patted me on the back and simply said "Let it go, Ashley."
It's not that he had given up on me, it's just that he knew better. It seemed to me that this was the time to give up.
Summer time is not an easy time to have practice, much less twice a day. It's hot and some coaches get too pushy. Yes, they want the best from their players, but some forget what that actually is.
Two days ago, Madison Park wrote an article for CNN about a recent death of a high school football player caused by the high temperatures. She also reported an alarming number of 39 heat-related deaths to football players since 1995. I know we all want to win but is this the price we're willing to pay?
I know how important football is for some people. It is for me too. Like a religion (don't give me that look, you'd understand after spending two minutes in Alabama). Sometimes it means a shot at college, or a professional career, but what happens when it means the end of your life?
According to the article, the coach denied water to the player. Why is it that sometimes we get to stubborn to stop? That we can't see beyond our own point of view and yield a little? Sports are supposed to keep kids out of the streets, out of trouble. But this wasn't the case. Yes, I know we're human and we all make mistakes, but you gotta admit this was a hell of a mistake. And it goes both ways. The kid just didn't wanna disappoint so he kept on going.
There's a time to push yourself to the limit but there's also a time to head to the bench.
Current Events,
Role Models,
A Few Changes
As things progress and the day I fly back to Los Angeles approaches, I've decided to spice things up a little. This blog isn't entirely about me, it's actually more about writing that it is about anything else (like you haven't noticed that already, I know). So now I broke the week down into the subjects this blog focuses on and ended up with something that looks like this:
- Monday - School
- Tuesday - (Social) Life
- Wednesday - Writing
- Thursday - Film
- Friday - Work Life
- Saturday - Misc.
- Sunday - Current Events
This is pretty much tentative and as long as I don't have an awful load of school work to do that day, I'll try to stick to this schedule.
So today, Sunday, we start with current events.
I keep writing about how uninterested people are about what happens with their surroundings so this section is needed. Every week, as long as time permits, I'll pick an article from the news and discuss it. Obviously I'll be looking forward to your opinion as well- And don't worry, it won't always be about politics (pinky promise).
So let's get things started!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Igniting Spark

Since the night it came out, I made plans to go watch it. On a Monday night. But then it became a Tuesday night. And a Wednesday. And a Thursday. And I'm not sure how this movie deal got postponed so much but I'll blame the NFL preseason for now.
Last night, a Friday night, I gave my plans a second chance and once again mentioned to a friend that I wanted to see that movie. But as time went by, I was already in the verge of canceling on myself (which doesn't sound too good now that I write about it) until my uncle came over.
"What are you doing tonight, kiddo?"
"I was thinking of watching a movie, why?"
"What movie?"
"Julie and Julia"
He nodded. I'm not sure why or how but I asked him if he wanted to come along. And surprisingly enough, he said he did. I say surprisingly because the title "Julie and Julia" should be a big hint that this ain't no action movie like "Die Hard" or "Lethal Weapon" or "Predator" or well, you get the idea. But to be honest, I'm glad I'd had company for the movie- and knowing my uncle, a free movie ticket and free snacks also.
For some reason, out of the many times I watched the previews for this movie, I thought that Julie was trying to write a book (no worries, I won't spoil the movie for you if haven't seen it), but she was actually writing a blog (I guess this could be a spoiler if you did think she was writing a book as I did- in that case, oops!). So this changed my thoughts about the movie- now it had gotten personal.
As written above, I won't spoil the movie so all I can say now it's what happened with me while watching the movie. First, it made me realize how much I enjoy writing here and how much I look forward to hear back from you, the reader(s). Second, how much I love writing in general, and how I know that the day I get to see "Written by Ashley Kay"somewhere, would be a pretty damn good day. Third, it made me think about my friend T. and how lucky I was to have her (not that I didn't know that I already). Somehow it made me wanna start everyday as if I really wanted to be awake- regardless of the time.
But isn't that what stories are all about anyway? Sometimes they inspire us, sometimes they anger us, the make us cry, or laugh, or think- but whatever feeling they ignite in you, they're always there to give you some awareness.
It made me realize why I write- Because I wanna be that igniting spark. Don't we all?
Friday, August 21, 2009
I Quit

My shift was supposed to start at 2pm and end around 10pm. It was another sunny Saturday in L.A. "Here's what you need to do, if you have a question, find me," Bob, one of the theater managers, said as he handed me a schedule. I was officially owned by the company and therefore had to take orders.Serve people, that's usually the basics of customer service. Smile even if you don't mean it; you can't sit because somehow that would offend a guest. If you're hungry, it doesn't matter- you have a scheduled break and that's when you get to eat.
The guest I'm there to serve is the one that cares less. He doesn't make eye contact. He doesn't acknowledge you- and maybe pity is what causes this. He doesn't care to know that I am more than a job and that is just a way to get me through college. He doesn't know that I read on my spare time- for fun (imagine that!). That I play sports or that I like to have a beer to accompany the Sunday game.
I performed my duties accordingly and once my break time comes around I clocked out and went to the break room almost running. I got a cup of soup from a nearby cafe and once I got back into the tiny break room, I was forced to eat on the floor as the four chairs that habituate the room were currently taken. I wasn't the only one on the floor- it would be impossible with a staff of over a hundred. But I was one of the unlucky who had to sit next to the overflowing trash can. The mixed smell of whatever the trash can contained, took away any sort of appetite I had and I gave up my soup to the smelly monster. Perhaps contributing to worsen the situation.
I put my game face on and went back to the floor. I had four more hours to go. I was hungry,and my feet felt like a time bomb, like they could have given up on me any second now. I punched back in and walked over to my next duty. I was there to make everyone happy. To make sure that they come back again so whoever owns the place gets richer and richer. And what does this guy do for me? He doesn't even provide a humane place to eat, not for me or the others. For the managers maybe? They don't use the break room because they have their offices.I guess they wouldn't know what it's like to eat next to a giant trash can.
"Yale," I kept repeating to myself.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Setting Goals

In order to get all the things I need to get done on a weekly basis, I keep a rigorous schedule (and I stick to it). As I've mentioned earlier, writing is picky and sometimes you feel like writing and sometimes you don't, but I've come to realize that the more you write, even if you're not sure of what you're writing, the more you actually WANT to write.
Fall semester is on my windshield view (11 days to go!) and I am already afraid of my schedule. Class wise I'll have Elementary Statistics, History of Western Civilization II, International Politics, Political Philosophy, and Knowledge and Reality (Which I'm actually trying to switch for Intermediate Italian I, so cross your fingers for me!). There's also a table tennis class, because if I don't play a sport during a semester I'll go crazy. Three weekly meetings- as Alpha Gamma Sigma board member. Actually, I think it's four meetings, but I'm not sure yet. Volunteer work. And there's also a part-time job in the way. Scary, huh?
So for all of you who have full-time jobs, children, dogs, whatever it is that you have, if writing IS what you WANT to do, then it's time you start doing it. Even if you can only schedule an hour daily to write, if you do it daily, eventually you'll finish whatever you start.
Setting up a "page goal" is also very useful. What that means is that you set a two-page goal per day, so you won't go to bed until you've written your daily two pages. And if you happen to get inspired and write 10 pages, then way to go! But if you don't, as long as you those two, then you're good.
If you don't work towards that thing that you want, it's unlikely that such thing will come to you from the sky (Unless you really want rain). I know it's easier said than done, trust me I do. But I also know NEVER is a good time to give up. Who knows, maybe that story you've been pushing off to write will save someone's life. So what are you waiting for?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Left Behind
It was pretty daunting to know that the cabinet on my right belonged to someone that could breath no longer. There was a lot of furniture there but somehow I could never mistake my place. There was no way I could possibly think I was in a "normal" store. I could sense the history with every step I took.
Like a little kid that found a treasure chest filled with candy, I stumbled upon five shelves filled with books. I was no longer thinking that someone had owned those books previously. All I could wonder was whether I'd had enough money to get the books I would want. I browsed the rows and recognized only but a few titles. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. Perhaps I just need to read more, I thought.
One of the books I picked up was titled "Teen Ink." I had read the magazine by the same name before and curiously flipped the pages of the book to find a relationship between the two. At first it looked like a compilation of articles and after actually reading the cover (I leave the cover for last because you know, "you can't judge a book by its cover") my assumptions were confirmed.
I flipped through the first page which I had anxiously skipped early and found some writing in it. The writing was a little messy- what you'd call "doctor's writing"- and short:
I am so proud of what you have accomplished.
I love you,
For a moment, I looked around as if I was making sure no one was there to see what I was seeing. I wasn't trying to be selfish, I just didn't think this message was meant for anyone else but Kristen. I even felt a little guilty for reading it.
I put it back in the shelf and started to browse for another book. But why would Kristen give the book away, I though. Or was it Mom? I could not let it go. The message seemed important to me and so did the book- then what happened? How did it end up left behind in this shop?
The chances of me ever finding the answers to the questions raised between those shelves are little, but I still bought the book. I knew I could give it a place in my own shelf, after reading it, of course. I thought I could keep it with me and somewhere along the line, maybe my children will find it and ask me who Kristen was. Now I even wish I did.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Let's Talk Some Writing
I got caught in between two languages and that slowed down the process. But all and all, I'm still writing.
I currently editing a screenplay, writing another one, working on a book (but this is the first time I ever mention it) and working on an article for my school paper.
It is so hard to write while doing all the other things that I do- specially because writing is picky and when I feel like writing, that's when I need to write. So how do I still try to do it? Because it is something I love. And even if that means writing from 2am til 4am, then sign me up for it.
Granted, I don't sleep much, but I'm constantly happy because I know I'm working towards my goal. So I forget about not sleeping much. I know it will take a lot of effort before I get published, but I'm willing to work hard because I know it will be worth it. Now the question is, ARE YOU?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Teacher's Pet

Let's say you're a freshman in college. You're taking 4 classes in your first semester and you are so eager to learn from your classes that you never even learn the name of the girl sitting on your right. WAKE UP- for all you know she may be the one giving you a job once you get your bachelor's.
Make no mistake, I'm not saying that you should chat your way through college, I'm just saying college is the best place to build a strong network. The people sitting around you will enter the workforce before, after or with you. They may know the vice president of an advertisement firm. And even if they don't, it's always good to know more people and offer a smile (and hopefully get one back).
But wait, it gets better. Hopefully you're not the kind of person who's terrified of professors because you think if you talk to them, they'll know you didn't do that reading you were assigned last Thursday. Professors do have the ability to fail you, but they wouldn't do it if you do what you're supposed to.
Professors have another ability though, they can give you their backing word- Recommendation letters! If you're like me (and other millions of students with financial need), you'll probably wanna apply for scholarships and most require recommendation letters. Or maybe you wanna apply to a private school, to which you'll need some money, and yeah! Recommendation letters!
You don't have to be popular to say hi to someone and make a friend. Everyone sharing a classroom with you has already something in common with you- you're both in that school, in the same classroom, taking the same class.
Oh and you don't have to bring an apple to your professor on each class meeting, just try to visit them at least once throughout the semester in their office hours. Not only will that help them get to know you better (so they can say something real about you in a letter) but an office visit is usually a sign that you're interested in the class and your college success.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Media... Mediocre... Hmmm

I was browsing through some channels the other day as I was holding my copy of Glenn Beck's Common Sense idly in my free hand. I'm not sure what sort of program I wanted to watch or if I wanted to watch anything at all. At some point I set the remote aside and went back to my reading while there were some commercials on the T.V. I had no idea what program was gonna come up next but honestly I cared little about it. After all I had a book to read.
When the commercials ceased, a Latin entertainment news show came up. The host began to mention how some Mexican actress was seen in some island by herself and therefore that must mean that she's divorcing her current husband- some famous Mexican singer. I reached out eagerly for the remote to change the channel because my ears were beginning to bleed!
But before I get to that glorious button that will make everything better for my ears, my mother leaves a burning pot on the kitchen to run to the T.V. and find everything about the gossip- she even asks me to turn the volume up!
I did turn it up out of respect but I just stared at her. Almost felt like I was facing my worst enemy. No, this has nothing to do with her cooking, it's the fact that we live in a media (entertainment) dominated world.
I mean, be honest with yourself, would you rather watch American Idol or a debate about global warming? Survivor or an explanation of what the proposed health care actually entails? If you preferred the second choice in the examples above, I applaud you, in fact, if I ever get to meet you in person, coffee is on me- but if you're part of the majority of Americans that spend 4 to 6 hours daily watching gossip shows like The Soup (Seriously??!?) then you may be part of the reason why we're headed towards a third-world-country economy.
Sure, maybe the finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta was far more important than paying attention to what our government was doing with our tax money but do you ever wonder why we're in a recession?
My mom finally caught up to the fear in my eyes and asked me what was wrong. All I could say was "I bet you wouldn't run like that to watch a session in the House of Representatives. She thought about it for a moment until she finally said "I probably wouldn't."
Again, I'm not judging her and I'm certainly not judging you- I just think it would be nice if you give up an hour (even just thirty minutes) of your T.V. time to get yourself informed about what's going on with the country. Sitting at a Starbucks to randomly say "so how about that economy" to quickly change the subject to "How about that party in Hollywood last Saturday night" doesn't count.
Maybe this is me asking for too much and maybe my voice will go unheard, but there's also the tiny chance that maybe today you'll watch CNN instead of keeping up with Kardashians... And I write here today to honor that tiny chance.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Do It All

I could eat a steak with fish and eggs- just to please that love for variety. I've also realized lately that I read more often if I'm reading several books at the time. Maybe it's not wise to spread my attention but somehow it seems to work better that way.
It works the same way with my life. I'm a Political Science major, hoping to go to Law School afterwards, yet I wanna be a published writer. But I'm also learning Italian, and want go learn Russian and German once I'm fluent enough in Italian.
By now you may think that I have too much free time in my hands- and maybe I do, but who's to say that I can only do one thing with my life? Has someone said that to you?
We own our lives and we choose what we do with them, so why not do it all? You really wanna wake up at 60 knowing that all you ever did was watch TV?
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